Our investment process
The first thing we like to do is discuss your aims and objectives including your need for regular income, capital growth or a combination of both. We place great importance on understanding your risk profile and the range of possible returns you are comfortable accepting. Also, appreciating your tax position, any unused allowances and ensuring any investment we recommend is as tax efficient as possible. Aims & objectives
A regular review of both your personal situation and the performance of your investments should be conducted at least annually, at which time we will look at any new tax planning opportunities that are available to you.
Regular review
We believe a well-balanced portfolio should look to spread your money and this can include investing in some or all of the following types of asset.
Asset allocation
Having identified the most appropriate range of assets, we then look to identify the strongest fund managers in each of these following sectors:
We place greater importance on identifying funds which consistently achieve above average long-term performance rather than funds which out-perform in the short-term. Fund selection
depending on your individual circumstances