Retirement planning
Retirement planning
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Investment planning
Planning for retirement

How much money will you need in retirement?

How are your existing plans performing?

Although most of us have asked ourselves these questions from time to time, retirement planning is often deferred, resulting in serious shortfalls of income.

We can thoroughly and independently review your existing arangements, give you an indication of what future benefits they may provide and then help you implement a realistic plan to address your needs.

Options at retirement

You are likely to have several options available to you for drawing income and/or cash from your retirement plans. These are not always straightforward and can vary depending on the particular plan(s) you have.

We recommend a review of the specific options available to you, including any tax implications, helping you make your selection with confidence.

A pension is a long term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down. Your eventual income may depend upon the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation.